Fair warning, I'm putting the pictures behind the jump. If you're easily offended, clutch your pearls and flounce now.

You may remember my "potato-shitting sons of whores" sampler pattern from the previous post, inspired by the lovely Beeby. This one is a gem of a quote from our Regretsy Bay Area meetup/stitch n' bitch last month. I'm exceptionally proud of how it turned out, so I listed the pattern in my WePay store, so that you may all enjoy this delightful bullshit, as well.
Next up, a favourite of mine, also inspired by a fellow Regretsian, sanders. This was a request.
Next up, a favourite of mine, also inspired by a fellow Regretsian, sanders. This was a request.

Sanders requested this one, on a sampler. Because god damn, that's some glorious shit right there. Also available in my WePay store, because you never know when you'll need that glorious shit for grandma's birthday.